Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

Tis a blustery and windy day today, no stuffed bear floating around with a lil umbrella but nevertheless it is a blustery day. To date I have finished two UFO's, kept on track with my Sue Spargo BOM and even pulled out a BOM from 6-7 years ago. Yeeees, I know but I qualify anything that I have not finished or started with,"Well, I will always have something to do if I ever run out of money", I know I won't, but same logic goes for all material I have too! Ha!

Right now I am working on a Pioneer Quilts BOM from sometime in the past and darn if I know or remember how it was set. I have the instructions for how to do it but What!!!! No material to go with it, what the hey that doesn't sound like me, hm? Hope I didn't give it away in one of my fits to purge stuff, oh well I need to learn to live outside the box, yes that is what I will do!!! Yeah big talk for now, we'll see when it comes time to finish it. Pictures forth coming and I will even throw in some of my loyal companions in the  sewing room too!

 Until I blog again! Tish