Thursday, March 21, 2013

A New Chapter

I started this blog with enthusiasm and new chapter in my life, after being single again. Then my father moved in because of severe health issues, my life took a turn. He was 87 when he died on March  15, 2013. Today I am 57 and it is my birthday, it is hard to celebrate something like that when my father has been gone for such a little while.  Yet I find myself trying to do so because it is expected and my kids want that for me. Don't get me wrong I am not putting on a happy face for them, but more for myself because my relationship with my dad honestly was ok at best. He was not an easy man to be around or take care of but I did none the less because he was my father. You do that for family, well at least that is what I do because I want no regrets at the end of my life and that is what I want my kids to see. Not selfishness but caring for someone because it is the respect they deserve. If we just treated people that we liked with goodness and not the rest what kind of world would this be?

So there it is a new chapter beginning in my life  - again.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

Tis a blustery and windy day today, no stuffed bear floating around with a lil umbrella but nevertheless it is a blustery day. To date I have finished two UFO's, kept on track with my Sue Spargo BOM and even pulled out a BOM from 6-7 years ago. Yeeees, I know but I qualify anything that I have not finished or started with,"Well, I will always have something to do if I ever run out of money", I know I won't, but same logic goes for all material I have too! Ha!

Right now I am working on a Pioneer Quilts BOM from sometime in the past and darn if I know or remember how it was set. I have the instructions for how to do it but What!!!! No material to go with it, what the hey that doesn't sound like me, hm? Hope I didn't give it away in one of my fits to purge stuff, oh well I need to learn to live outside the box, yes that is what I will do!!! Yeah big talk for now, we'll see when it comes time to finish it. Pictures forth coming and I will even throw in some of my loyal companions in the  sewing room too!

 Until I blog again! Tish 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Introduction - First post!

So this is the skinny on my blog~ I am learning as I go! Yeah, I thought how hard can it be? Sheesh, seems like everyone is doing it (not that I think that I have people hanging on every word I say) but geez I just wanted to leave a comment every once in a while on my favorite blogs too! So I signed up for a blog and promptly got stuck trying to decide the layout and how the heck to make it look like I wanted it to. I pick it up and put it down once in a while so.....there will be changes ahead to the blog site some good and some others just mistakes!

I call my blog Quilter in Transition because that is exactly what I am! I used to sew piece work, traditional stuff then I got into the WOOOOL! Oh my gosh was I hooked! I am now on my second Spargo BOM with another to start well this week, I am in the first group to receive the kit for this year. Nothing special about me just that I signed up as soon as we had a chance, yeah I was fast on the computer to commit!  

The word transition of the blog refers to me as a person and quilter. As a good looking ( ahem....middle aged) blogger I am divorced 5 years after being married for 25 ~ half my life time. Well, if you can do math you probably figured out my age but that is angst there. Right now my 86 year old father is living with me and my daughter, and there is definitely some change going on there. So you see the word transition is not a bad word but one that we all face a lot in our life time, we are always in some phase of transition in our lives some good, and some not so good but that is the way life is.

This year after reading one of my favorite blogs The Woolie Mammoth, I have decided to finish some UFO's that have been hanging around my neck for years, and no I won't tell you yet because I have still to do the math on them...yes that bad! It is even harder to say out loud, so for now I will just say over 5 yeas old, yikes ...that hurt too! I also plan on keeping up with my BOM of Twigs and Blooms (Spargo) and the rest I will figure out on my own, I don't want to flog myself emotionally at the end of the month, or year because I failed to commit. Yeah, that is my get out of jail card!  

So until later! I think halftime is over for the Pasadena Rose Bowl game, like a good daughter I am watching it with my dad, not because I like football that much but I am making a memory with dad!
